The Guild of St. Zélie is devoted to the promotion of the ecclesiastical and liturgical arts at the Washington Oratory. We are designers and seamstresses of all skill levels brought together by our love of the sacred liturgy of the Catholic Church, and our desire to evangelize through beauty.
Azélie-Marie "Zélie" Guérin Martin was the mother of nine children, including St. Thérèse of Lisieux. She is remembered as a saintly wife and mother, as well as a dedicated seamstress known for her lace-work. Zélie died in 1877 at the age of 45, and was canonized with her husband Louis on October 18, 2015.
If you are interested in assisting the Guild of St. Zélie, would like to sponsor a project, or would just like to know more about our work, please send us a message!
Our Sanctuary Lamp will burn before the tabernacle for one week to honor your prayer request.